Care Homes
Located in Bristol, Kidderminster and Worcester
We have created a number of care homes for clients caring for service users with a complex range of challenging mental health needs.
Each home has been created to the end users specific needs with oversized bedroom and living areas and full ambulant access en suite wet rooms built to the highest standards. This enables registration and successful operation of the facility enabling them to have the edge in a competitive market.
Children Nursery
Totterdown Bristol
This 11000 sq ft building was built in the mid 1980's as a training pub for Eldridge Pope and Company. Litfield acquired the site from Marstons Brewers.
We have since won planning consent to convert the lower ground and ground floors to a children nursery, and have leased this to the expanding Mama Bears Group.
European Health Care Homes
Prestbury Cheltenham and Downend Bristol
Two sites were acquired for 80 and 70 bedroom care facilities consent granted.
The sites were former factory premises in sensitive residential areas.
The sites were sold to European Healthcare for their expanding estate.
New Care home Development
Keynsham, Bristol
In 2018 we identified and subsequently acquired a 1.3 acre site in the affluent Bristol suburb of Keynsham.
Over a year long process of negotiation with a resistant Local Authority and using our expertise with the help of our design team, planning consent has been granted by Bath City Council under delegated powers for the erection of a 68 bed care home.
Retirement Living
Nailsea Bristol
This former market garden occupying a location less than 100 metres from the main town centre was identified as being suitable for retirement living.
The site was acquired and subsequently Litfield drove the planning process and ultimately consent was granted for 53 retirement apartments.
The site was then sold to Pegasus Retirement Living.
Warmley Landsdown Care Home
Former 20 bed NHS care home acquired by Litfield Land unconditionally. The site was subsequently refurbished to provide 11 oversize fully ambulant suites with wet rooms to provide care for users with Acquired Brain Injury. The property has been leased to a specialist operator and held for long term investment.
Planning has just been secured for the erection of 8 studios in the grounds which will provide more independent living for users with Acquired Brain Injury and construction will shortly commence.