City Centre Apartments
Old Market Bristol
The landowners of this business wished to raise capital to relocate and expand. We acquired the site and leased it back to the business until such time as they could identify a suitable replacement facility.
The business successfully relocated and planning was sought for 110 city centre apartments.
Consent was granted and the site was developed in conjunction with Linden Homes.
Housing Site
Brownfield site identified and acquired off Dunkirk Road. Planning consent secured by Litfield Land and the site subsequently sold for residential redevelopment for 15 houses.
Mews Apartments
Gloucester Road Bristol
The owners of the business that owned this former church premises wished to relocate and needed to enhance the value of the site to enable the relocation.
Litfield orchestrated its team of professionals and designers and won consent for a scheme of 28 high quality mews style apartments in a thriving residential area of Bristol.
The site has been sold for development and the owners relocated to new premises.
Residential Apartments
Alexander Park Fishponds Bristol and Austin Place Shirehampton
Two sites acquired and subsequently consent granted for 48 residential apartments. The sites have been sold with the benefit of planning permission for residential development.
Town Centre Site
This Town Centre site in Castle Street was acquired by Litfield Land. Planning consent was subsequently negotiated at appeal for a mixed use scheme to provide new build housing, restoration of existing buildings for residential use and B1 office accommodation.
Trafalgar House Clifton Bristol
Grade 2 listed Palladian Mansion
This Grade 2 listed Palladian mansion house was acquired as a standing investment.
The tenant was not in occupation and ultimately a deal was structured to enable the tenant to free itself of its leasehold liabilities.
The property now vacant, a sensitive consent was secured for change of use to a single residential dwelling and the site then sold to an owner occupier.